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Full address & postcode

Detailed insights specific to the exact address & postcode, including a quick link to map view of the area and commute route to feature location (eg work).

Full address Rightmove

Floor Area and Price

Comprehensive data on the property’s size, including total floor area in square metres or feet. Price per square metre to help assess value compared to similar properties in the area. Graphs showing price trends for properties with similar floor areas.

Price per sq.m,

Area Data

The area data provides a snapshot of key socio-economic and safety indicators, including crime rate. It also highlights the area’s deprivation level, reflecting its socio-economic status, alongside average income figures to offer a glimpse into the local economy. Additionally, the proportion of social housing in the area is detailed, providing insights into the housing mix and community structure.

Crime rate Rightmove

EPC (Energy Performance Certificate)

Information about the property’s energy efficiency rating, providing insight into its current performance.


Sales history

Understand a property’s journey with access to its full sales history. See when it was last sold, for how much, and track price trends over time – perfect for comparing market values and making data-driven decisions.

Sales history Sales history

Important Info About Property

  • Days on Market: Tracking how long the property has been listed, with comparisons to the average time on the market in the area.
  • Tenure: Information on whether the property is freehold, leasehold, or commonhold, with details on lease length and associated costs where applicable.


Nearby Amenities

  • Parks: Closest green spaces, including size, and distance from property.
  • Schools with Ofsted Ratings: Nearby schools listed with their Ofsted performance ratings, along with links to detailed reports and catchment area information.
  • Public Transport: Proximity to tube, rail and information about lines on station (London only)

Nearby Amenities

Schools with Ofsted Ratings
Schools with Ofsted Ratings